Sometimes we all need that extra push in life , a quick slap on the wrist , and a brand new bad-ass new view to all wrapped in a large dose of love and calmness, so i have created this awesome boot-camp for you! yes you heard right just for you each program is specifically designed just for you.
Are you tired of feeling down and depressed, your trying to make some sense out of life, your feeling all alone and no longer have a sense of purpose or belonging? Do you need that extra little push to get you back on track? and most importantly are you ready to make a major change in your life and have the drive and determination to see it through? if you have answered yes to any of the following then this intensive program is for you.
- Reduce feelings of loneliness
- Create personal Standards and boundaries
- Decipher the difference between goals versus intentions
- Learn to build a mutually beneficial relationship
- After your payment is processed, you’ll receive an email questionnaire for you to complete before our first call.
- Once I receive your completed questionnaire, I’ll analyze your responses and start the process of creating the right program for you.
- I will connect you with your Accountability Guide Sheet.
- We will have five power-packed coaching calls with modules released on the weeks between each call
Five modules
five coaching calls
10% discount on all future services for 12 months
Door prizes and other goodies to make getting through the hard stuff a bit easier to swallow.